Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mooli Chips

I could and would wax lyrical about Mooli/Daikon all day if I was allowed. It recently snuck into sainsburys and I've been cooking with it ever since. Mainly as chips, sometimes as mock potato cubes, I've yet to make mash with them but they are proving to be a great substitute for potatoes with much lower carbs.

To make the chunky chips seen below I actually repurposed my old pasta saucepan and it is now a deep fat fryer! The key with making chips is to get the oil really really hot before putting the cage in, I used olive oil to fry them because I find it doesn't alter the taste of the mooli too much.

What you'll need

Something to fry the mooli in.
A liberal supply of kitchen towel.

  1. Heat the oil in your pan at a consistent temperature.
  2. Cut your mooli into thick slices, leave the skin on if you desire.
  3. Once the oil has heated enough- a good trick is to quickly drop the cage into the oil if it bubbles up straight away the oil is hot enough.
  4. Fry the mooli until they have gone brown evenly.
  5. Remove the mooli from the oil onto kitchen towel to get rid of any unwanted greasiness.

Nutritional Information (per 100g Mooli deep fried in olive oil)

Calories 38 kcal
Fat  3g
Carbohydrate  2g
Fiber 1g
Protein 0.7g

I know this seems quite low, but there isn't actually that much oil used up when you deep fry it is mainly a cooking process rather than a way to add tonnes and tonnes of extra fat.

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